The Importance of Adult Education
The Importance of Adult Education
As we start the new academic year, we have seen the nationwide celebrations during August of students GCSE achievements. It has been quite a few years since I was a nervous teenager going back into school to pick up my results. I knew that English and Maths were the 'biggies', and that I needed good grades if I wanted to do my A Levels. As such, I put in extra study hours with a few friends to try and prepare for those exams. I remember sitting inside going through past papers, glancing outside as the sun shone and wishing I was out there instead. Thankfully, I got the grades I needed and progressed on to A Levels, and then University, as my chosen pathway.
But what about those students who were not so fortunate, or perhaps not as interested, and didn't get the Maths and English grades needed? As Lola Okoloskie questions in her article, 'why should it be so difficult to recover later down the line?'. She quotes some worrying statistics that nearly half of the working population do not possess basic numeracy and literacy skills, which naturally impacts on their quality of life. From reading a bus timetable to get to a new job, to reading and writing emails, numeracy and literacy play an important part of working life.
Adult education should not be seen as a lower form of education for those who have been left behind, but as a 'second chance' for learners from all backgrounds to reach their potential. Everyone learns differently, and at different times, and sometimes the traditional classroom setting as a teenager (or earlier) isn't enough. Education is a lifelong journey, and we should all be helping each other along.
If you are wanting to specialise in teaching English or Maths up to Level 2, we offer online courses that can be studied alongside our teacher training qualifications, leading to QTLS. Trainers who are delivering and assessing Apprenticeship programmes will also need to demonstrate a solid understanding of these subjects with a qualification.
For more information about our online Literacy and Numeracy courses, click on the buttons below: