Absence Policy
Students on all courses apart from the Award in Education and Training, need to show activity on the Moodle site at least every 60 days or the course access is suspended for inactivity. Students on the week long Award in Education and Training course need to show activity at least every three days and at least once a fortnight on the month long Award in Education and Training course. A reminder will be sent by e-mail as a reminder along with the options for placing on hold.
Courses may be placed on hold for up to a year in total, this may be in a single block or three times on Diploma courses and twice on other courses without needing to provide evidence or reason. Subsequently the course may be placed on hold if fulfilling one of the following requirements and able to provide supporting documentation:
Medical (including carer responsibilities for others)
Redundancy where affects the practical elements of courses
Family leave (i.e. maternity or paternity leave)
Other circumstances may be considered on an individual case basis.
The course will be placed on hold from the date an e-mail is sent to the MKLC office. The time on hold is not counted towards the allocated active time of the course and the deadline will be adjusted accordingly.
At the end of the year allowance, any remaining active time on the course will resume.
If there is no contact to place the course on hold and the student requests to reactivate during their time allowance, the course can be resumed for a reactivation fee as outlined in the terms and conditions. If the time allowance has passed, there is a three-month period where the course can still be reactivated with the reactivation fee along with an extension fee, after the three-month period, there will be a re-registration fee to continue.
There is scope to apply authorised absence retrospectively if able to provide supporting documentation for any of the following, where a student may not have had prior notice:
Medical (including carer responsibilities for others)
Other circumstances may be considered on an individual case basis.