Safeguarding Policy
Scope of the policy
This policy is provided for MKLC customers, including learners and staff members who are using or delivering the courses/qualifications MKLC offer.
Location of the policy
This policy is available for all staff members, third parties and learners to access.
Communication of the policy
It is important that staff involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications and learners undertaking qualifications and courses with us, are fully aware of the contents of the policy.
Statement of Principles
MKLC is strongly committed to practices that protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect or significant harm.
Staff recognise and accept their responsibilities to develop the awareness of the risk and issues involved in safeguarding.
MKLC also recognises that it has a responsibility to protect staff from unfounded allegations of abuse. MKLC will seek to ensure, where reasonably practicable, outcomes set out in ‘Every Child Matters’ are extended to work-related learning and work-based situations, in particular that activities contribute to children and adults:
Being Healthy
Staying Safe
Enjoying and Achieving
Making a Positive Contribution
Achieving Economic Well-Being
For the purposes of this policy and procedures, children are defined in the Children Act of 1989 as a person under the age of 18 years. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 defines a ‘vulnerable adult’ as a person aged 18 and over and:-
receiving a social care service
receiving a health service
living in sheltered accommodation
detained in custody or under a probation order
requiring assistance in the conduct of his/her affairs
receiving a service or participating in an activity targeted at older people, people with disabilities or which physical or mental health conditions
any other adults whose particular circumstances make them vulnerable at a particular time
Accountability and Responsibility
Staff members are responsible for monitoring and managing incidents or concerns and liaising with the relevant safeguarding agencies when appropriate.
MKLC is responsible for ensuring that the Safeguarding Policy and procedures are in place, and that they are available for scrutiny by the relevant authorities. MKLC are accountable for the overall Safeguarding Policy of the organisation and we will act in accordance with the statutory and legislative guidance to safeguard and protect the welfare of learners and our employees.
Staff Training
MKLC has a duty to promote safeguarding issues and measures to staff and ensure that they:
analyse their own practice against established good practice, and assess risk to ensure their practice is likely to protect them from false allegations.
recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse
follow the guidelines for staff
undertake training on safeguarding to raise awareness of current issues and legislation
complete Criminal Record Bureau Checking (DBS)
MKLC will provide information advice and guidance for learners with regards to this policy.
The company has a responsibility to ensure safe recruitment and employment practices. New and existing staffs who frequently or intensively work with children, young people and vulnerable adults in training, supervision, advice, etc will be checked through the Home Office for criminal record information. All potential new employees will be subjected to pre-employment checks.
Statutory Framework
MKLC aims to meet legislative requirements and good practice in safeguarding. The statutory framework under which we operate includes the Children’s Act 1989. This provides a legal framework for the protection of children and young people in the UK. The Protection of Children Act 1999 requires employers to carry out Criminal Record Checks before employees are allowed to come into contact with children. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 sets out the type of activity in relation to children and vulnerable adults for which employers and individuals will be subject. From 2008 Ofsted inspectors make a judgement on procedures for safeguarding learners meeting current government requirements. They comment on policy, procedures, vetting and training as impact on learners dictates.
MKLC Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually. The review process includes analysis of monitoring data, consultation with and feedback from learners, clients, staff and other stakeholders to determine the impact of the policy and any action required.