AET Dates for 2018
Hi everyone!
You may think we are jumping the gun by announcing 2018 dates for our online AET courses when we've only just started the new academic year, but we already have students looking ahead and booking onto these courses!
Andrea Wilde - Student of the Month!
We are so pleased to announce that Andrea Wilde is Student of the Month, having completed her Award in Education & Training.
All of our students are asked for their feedback on the course, and for our Student of the Month, we also ask them to let us know their motivations for taking the course, and what they hope to achieve.....
The Importance of Adult Education
Adult education should not be seen as a lower form of education for those who have been left behind, but as a 'second chance' for learners from all backgrounds to reach their potential. Everyone learns differently, and sometimes the traditional classroom setting isn't enough.
A changing learning environment
It is interesting how we respond to change and adapt our attitudes to fit our surroundings. Many studies have been carried out by psychologists and environmentalists on how we (and other species) are resilient. This has been in particular looking at responses to traumatic happenings such as accidents, life-changing events, and