Sustainability Policy
This is the statement of sustainability policy related to MKLC staff, operations, courses and students.
This Sustainability Policy aims to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the organisation’s activities and to establish and promote sound environmental, social and economic practice in our operations. Through this policy we:
Commit to comply with applicable law in all our operations.
Commit to protect human rights. We are a committed equal opportunity employer and will abide by all fair labour practices. We’ll ensure that our activities do not directly or indirectly violate human rights in our own or other country.
Commit to minimise our impact on our environment and maximise the effective use of resources.
Commit to foster responsible environmental behaviour amongst staff at all levels.
Commit to minimise risks and impacts through processes and systems to implement, measure and monitor environmental and social performance.
Commit to increase communication and awareness of our efforts.
MKLC has taken into consideration the 17 goals of the United Nations and the COP26 pledge to reduce to zero carbon emissions and based our policies and actions on these.
We will:
comply with all laws governing the environment.
strive to better understand both the direct and indirect impact that our practices may have on the environment.
minimise or offset our impact on the environment.
work towards the conservation of energy, water and resources in all our operations.
dispose of waste thoughtfully, and follow the waste hierarchy of ‘Avoid, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’.
lessen our environmental impact by purchasing environmentally-friendly products and services.
take steps to continually improve environmental performance.
protect and support biodiversity.
conduct audits, evaluations, and self-assessments of the implementation of this policy.
work with our entire supply chain in order to gain mutual benefits of incorporating environmentally sustainable goals into everyday business.
be an environmentally responsible neighbour in our community.
promote environmental awareness throughout all operations of the company.
foster a sustainably aware culture, where responsibility is assigned and understood.
strive to raise awareness in the community, encourage participation and train employees in environmental and social matters.
People / Social
We will:
comply with legislation such as the Modern Slavery Act 2018, Equality Act 2010 and PREVENT.
provide a safe and healthy workplace.
support diversity and inclusion.
encourage gender equality
engage early and meaningfully with stakeholders, including indigenous organisations, communities, industry and government.
avoid harming the lives of local people.
look to promote educational inclusivity to all
promote long-term economic benefits within communities.
We will:
consider and support sustainability initiatives with a strong business case.
integrate sustainability into our existing business models, accounting and reporting
add value to our products and services to support sustainability markets.
reduce operating costs through improved resource management eg, water, waste, energy, carbon, employee engagement.
manage risk of operational disruptions e.g. resource scarcity, climate change impact, or community risks.
reduce reputation risks and communicate actions.
Principles in action
Carbon emissions
At MKLC we are committed to lowering our carbon footprint where possible, by providing the majority of microteaches through Zoom platforms this reduces the carbon emissions per microteach to around 0.07g CO2e compared to 18kg CO2e for those in person. We use video conferencing to reduce our national and international need for travel, as well as providing flexibility for staff to work from the office or home reducing travel emissions. Any lights or electrical items not needed for Health and Safety are switched off when the office is empty.
Waste and recycling
MKLC aims to reduce paper waste in the organisation, by using tablets where possible to display handouts and for note taking, where handouts require a physical copy, these are made into notepads if possible or otherwise recycled. Paper based products which need to be shredded which currently can reduce the ability to recycle in paper mills are composted.
To reduce waste, items are used again if possible or adapted for other uses, particularly items from previous microteaches.
Responsible consumption and production
Our main services can be delivered with no physical good production or transportation, no set textbooks are required for the courses and all material is available online.
For some courses MKLC is now offering learners the choice of digital certificates only. Where hard copies are requested, these are sent in envelopes which are fully recyclable and where possible multiple certificates are sent in same cohort to reduce transport emissions, particularly those requiring air mail.
MKLC staff have the opportunity to work from different locations to improve their work-life balance. We support our staff and encourage them to develop their skills and knowledge to reach their full potential through continuous professional development and notify staff of options. We value our staff and provide opportunities for everyone to be involved and express themselves and our dress policy does not discriminate against anyone. MKLC promotes equality and inclusivity to our staff as well as our students, our induction forms have sections for preferred pronouns, gender identity and preferred names. MKLC strives to only work with ethical organisations and where possible purchase fairtrade or from local suppliers.
Our courses are designed to be flexible reducing barriers to education for those who are working and unable to take leave to complete a course. The online aspect means the course is open to people regardless of their location, during the course they are introduced to our policies and values, which we hope will be delivered onto their students.
MKLC has improved our resource management by considering our carbon footprint and taking steps where possible to reduce these. We reduce operating costs by using modern communication technologies and web-based platforms for course delivery. We are implementing our environmental and social policies to reduce ethical liabilities. When planning for the future, we take into consideration how actions would impact the economy, and which will help promote a sustainable economy.
MKLC has offices in a building owned by an independently owned charity, which provides grants and encourages philanthropy in the local area, to support the growth and development in the local economy.