PFE (Educational Oversight UK) Inspection Report
PFE (Educational Oversight UK) Inspection Report
We are extremely pleased to share that we have passed the independent inspection, which was carried out in July this year.
We have been working hard on the recommendations made last year, and some of the report comments are:
“Classes are well planned. Teachers use an effective
range of learning activities that are engaging, and enable students to actively
participate. Time is used well in class to enable students to practise their developing
skills and increase confidence. Most students find the work interesting and
challenging and inspectors agree. Teachers are knowledgeable, highly experienced
and demonstrate a very good awareness of students’ individual learning needs and
backgrounds. ”
“Students are supported well and receive appropriate
guidance on their progress. Feedback on written work is constructive and
encouraging, and enables students to make further improvements to their work. ”
“Attainment and progress are good. Reports from students show that the vast
majority consider they are making good or better progress in their work, and
inspectors agree. Achievement in accredited courses is very good overall. ”
For the full report CLICK HERE