Sarah Hayward - Student of the Month!
We are so pleased to announce that Sarah Hayward is Student of the Month, having completed her Diploma of Education qualification.
Reshmi Augustine - Student of the Month!
We are so pleased to announce that Reshmi Augustine is Student of the Month, having completed her Internal Quality of Assurance qualification.
NEW! Dynamic & Interactive English Classes
Ideal for those looking to achieve their A2 and B1 English requirements for visa purposes.
New Dates for English Classes at MKLC Training
We are pleased to confirm the next English course after the Easter break will commence on Tuesday 25 April 2017:
Employers Prefer Private Training Providers Over Colleges
According to recent research from the Skills Funding Agency, employers are more satisfied when working with private training providers instead of a college.
We are moving!
As of Monday 16 May 2016 we will be in our new premises located in Central Milton Keynes