Survey Results
Thank you for all the responses received, especially as it was the peak holiday season. We had over 150 responses, which gives a good indication of what you are wanting from us.
The favourite mode of learning was online, followed by blended learning. This is in contrast to a previous survey we carried out some years ago where it was overwhelmingly for classroom teaching. It shows how much technology has now become part of our lives.
Working online has been beneficial as 67% of you stated that it had improved your digital skills.
Based on the survey, we found that 63% of you wanted deadlines throughout the course to spur you on. This is why we have introduced a work plan with specified deadlines that has been sent out to everyone. We will then be able to track your progress and chase you if you fail to meet your own deadlines. Your most popular method of assessment was for short assignments.
We asked what you considered was essential for any course you undertook and, in no particular order, these were:
Personal skills development
Interaction with tutor
Chance of progression