SET Conference 2020
This week Emma has been attending the SET online conference. Due to current circumstances, this conference was held completely online. Attendees were able to watch and interact with Q&As after each keynote speaker and attend live breakout sessions throughout the day.
From the talks she has so far heard, the workload of teachers is increasing and AI technology could be developed to halt the number of teachers leaving the profession due to admin overload. There also needs to be more focus on research and it would be a good opportunity for a number of colleges coming together to upscale action research projects.
One college has a journal club as part of their teachers’ CPD. This involves short articles being put forward for teachers to discuss. This may be an idea for our own CET and DET learners, to keep them in touch even after they have completed their course with us.
One of the constant complaints over the past few years has been the way in which teachers focus on content in order to pass exams. There is a loss of skills needed to evaluate and assess and more attention should be given to working on these. We see this ourselves with many of our own learners and it has been especially noted in those doing the AET, Maths and the assessor qualifications.
Main areas of focus from the talk was the importance of improving digital capability, maintaining quality, the need to communicate with other teachers and the importance of research.
As a result, MKLC Training is considering how we can cover all of these to the best of our ability. Our online courses are consistently doing well with great feedback from students, but we are always looking at ways to improve.