Happy Easter!
This is a very strange time for everyone at the moment with this coronavirus situation. We are unsure what will happen next and in many ways this reflects the behaviours we are seeing.
On a positive note we are hoping more will look at online qualifications but we too are needing to make contingency plans.
We have measures in place to deal with all eventualities, including the microteaches. Our systems have all been set up to deal with any issues we may encounter. No courses will be put on hold. However, if any students are unwell, please do contact the office to discuss options with your course.
Main Office
On Monday Acorn House closed its reception and only keyholders now have access to the building. Without being able to have visitors or receive mail, there was little point in remaining in the office so we are now all working from home. Emma has diverted the phone and all calls to the office now go directly to her so she is still able to take payments and speak to learners. Email and the chat facility are, of course, still available as well.
Microteaches are still going ahead although one person has had to postpone as she had to self-isolate with symptoms. Observations will be carried out by Emma and Mohamed from a distance as we can use Skype with more than one venue. Some learners will have their own students but we have boxes of resources for activities.
Certificates will still be claimed as usual: TQUK courses can have digital copies in the interim but Pearson have just the hard copies. We can check with a postbox in the city centre on a weekly basis to see if any have arrived and then we can send out to our learners. There may be a delay on posting out but we hope everyone will understand.