Does Implementing Sensory-Based Activities Prior to Learning Improve Levels of Engagement During Teaching and Learning Activities?
Within my class alone, there are 8 pupils - 3 male and 5 female ranging in ages 16-19 years. Amongst them there is 1 pupil with ASD, 3 pupils with Down’s Syndrome, 3 pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties and 1 pupil with Global Developmental Delay. As well as their differing diagnoses, difficulties and abilities they are all individuals with their own interesting and endearing personalities. They also learn, interact and engage in differing ways. This often means it can be difficult to maintain engagement amongst all pupils during teaching and learning activities. As teachers we should continuously be proactive in developing and finding new strategies to support our pupils.
For these reasons as well as it being of interest to me, I have decided to focus on the relationship between sensory-based activities and engagement amongst pupils for this Action Research Project. I want to explore if implementing sensory-based activities prior to learning will improve levels of engagement during teaching and learning activities.